
Today I found out that the senior faculty in my department voted unanimously to recommend me for tenure. This of course does not mean I got tenure, there are still layers of university committees and administrators that my case needs to go through, but it is a very important first step. It tells you that your colleagues feel you and your  work are valuable and that they would like to keep you around.

I also found out, after receiving results from my blood tests, that my immune system is starting to come back after being suppressed for weeks, sufficiently so that I can once again pucker up with my very lovely Supercool wife! And kissing her lovely lips this morning was by far the highlight of my day/month. Far more than the tenure thing.

It’s funny how your perspective can shift so radically such that you really learn to appreciate specific instances that turn out to be so significant. My life recently has been so moment to moment that its nice to have moments like the one this morning with my sweetie. Normally I would have been freaking out all last week knowing that The Tenure Vote was today, and upon hearing the news I would have been running down the hallways with a bottle of tequila celebrating. But honestly, I did not give it a second thought last week. And I have been working my ass off for the last six years, so I’m obviously thrilled with the news, but then again perspectives shift.

I’ve been told that having a major illness makes you appreciate what’s really important. But it’s not that I didn’t appreciate my family before, I’ve always given my family priority and I’ve known that they are the most important thing. That hasn’t changed. I think what changes, is that you learn to appreciate specific instances. Little things that are positive, and you learn to become aware of them while they are happening, so you can enjoy them and not let them pass by. There’s still a long road to go on my recovery and on my tenure process, and it’s little things like today’s respite on a dusty crossroad, that make things bearable. Hopefully the roads will be less bumpy from now on, and full of more good things ahead.

Meanwhile, here’s some travelling blues:

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17 Responses to Perspective

  1. kevin. says:


  2. PalMD says:

    Thanks for this, as usual…

  3. gerty-z says:

    WOO HOO! Congrats on your tenure vote. Even more importantly, HOORAY for your immune system. That is extremely super news.

  4. GMP says:

    Big congrats and best wishes!

  5. brooksphd says:

    Wonderful on both counts 🙂 Congrats

  6. CoR says:

    Good to hear.

  7. I heart you, Namnezia. Glad to hear all of this.

  8. Yoshimi says:

    Great news and wonderful insights! Thanks for your beautiful blog.

  9. So happy to hear good news on both fronts! Maybe some of the rest of us can go running down the hall with a bottle of tequila in your honor :p

  10. proflikesubstance says:

    Congrats! On both. May there be a speedy and positive conclusion to both.

  11. Odyssey says:

    Yes, congrats on both! Especially the immune system.

  12. Congrats buddy, I’m glad you’re on the mend.

  13. scicurious says:

    YAY, congratulations!

  14. jf says:

    your post made me choke up. I am really happy for you and your beautiful life.

  15. Dr Becca says:

    So, so happy to hear all this great news. Congratulations!

  16. Ace K says:

    Congratulations. It is true that perspectives can shift dramatically. I liken it to having to use an entirely different scale on a graph if you were to plot worries… Great news re: health. The rest with follow.

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